Extra episode 2 worksheet answers spanish

I love digging up the best spanish resources for all you busy parents and teachers. I use it with my spanish ii students, and they absolutely love it. Episode 2 sam fait du shopping extra french french circles. The worksheet is entirely in spanish with hints to understand the instructions in english. This way if your dog eats your homework the night before its due you can just print out a new copy. Sam starts looking for a job, but ends up being the waiter for lola, during a meal with her boss, cooked by pablo. Four versions were made, each in a different language. That helped me a lot, i hope you find it helpful too. Nothing motivates my students, builds community, and gets them involved like a good game.

In the second episode of extra, sam has his first experience of shopping in spain. Gemela spanish to english translation spanish central. Jan 31, 2020 quiz for extra en espanol episode 1 by learn english spanish online. Start a free trial of quizlet plus by thanksgiving lock in 50% off all year try it free. Kids college again im so hoping to be able to use your site this year because i love it. Spanish level 2 printable worksheets i abcteach provides over 49,000 worksheets page 2. Extra en espanol episode 2 worksheet free printables worksheet. For beginners transcripts of extra en espanol spanishdict. Episode 1 intro extra french this episode 1 intro extra french will help a lot in your pronunciation skills. Extra en espanol episode 2 worksheet free printables.

The student who is it counts to 10, and everyone finds a corner to stand in without making noise. Youll find spanish worksheets and handouts for every level lowermiddlehigh school. The english version has 30 episodes, and the other three languages have episodes each. I created a worksheet with different activities for each one of these sections, so the episode may be shown in class entirely, or watching and working in each section in different days. You can find all of the instructions and the rubric for the project here.

Worksheets for spanish 1 extra credit all 4 story worksheets can be found here. Sample a5 worksheet with questions and multiple choice answers in spanish. Spanish 2 guided notes, documents, and worksheets ms. Towards the end of the episode, who calls the apartment. Hi, you can practice your spanish listening skills with the educational comedy extra en espanol. Answers to questions above 1 and f 2 and d 3 and e 4 and a 5 and b 6 and g 7 and c. Stop video extra episode 5 spanish worksheet answers. Students read the questionnaire about the series extra, episode 1. Below is a set of questions for cosmos episode 5, titled hiding in the light, that can be copyandpasted into a worksheet. Learn episode 5 spanish extra with free interactive flashcards. Video comprehension interactive and downloadable worksheet. This page compiles free printable spanish worksheets and handouts for different themes and units. Spanish resources listening reading speaking writing spanish resources let me congratulate your team for such an incredible didactic resource.

Vocabulaire translate the french wordexpression to engl. Learn french by watching this funny french sitcom with learning activities episodes. One of the four, sam, is an outsider with only a very basic grasp of spanish. First he does some grocery shopping on the internet then lola, ana and pablo decide to give him a makeover which turns out to be a. Learn how to order drinks with an unexpected host and an unusual phrasebook in this interactive video mystery to help. In the second episode of extra en espanol, sam has his first experience of shopping in spain. First he does some grocery shopping on the internet then lola, ana and pablo decide to give him a makeover which turns out to be a disaster so he. Four corners put four signs in the corners of the room.

Includes a grading contract, a self evaluation form rubric, worksheet. Quiz for the video series extra en espanol episode 2 learn. Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools. Bbc languages learn spanish in your own time and have fun with mi vida loca. Extra espanol episode 1 spanish and english subtitles by. They have a neighbour, nico, who is in love with sasha and annie is in love with nico. It has a list of nouns, preferably from the episode, and reads one noun out loud. Spanish filing cabinet senor cohens world of spanish. Profesora martin teaching resources teachers pay teachers. Oct 15, 2014 hi, you can practice your spanish listening skills with the educational comedy extra en espanol. Audio pronunciations, verb conjugations, quizzes and more. A spanish friend, teresa, invited you to visit madrid with her. Please note, you may not repeat a dish or a country. Certainly teachers are welcome to correct my errors or even edit the worksheets to suit their own needs.

Spanish extra espanol extra spanish resources for teaching. Quiz for extra en espanol episode 1 learn spanish online. But shes pulled out at the last minute, so youre on. Students watch episode 1 of the tv series extra in youtube and answer some questions. I have tried to use cognates and fairly simple language to make these accessible to all students. Apr 26, 2019 below is a set of questions for cosmos episode 5, titled hiding in the light, that can be copyandpasted into a worksheet. Translation of gemela at merriamwebsters spanishenglish dictionary. Translation of gemela at merriamwebsters spanish english dictionary.

First he does vsome grocery shopping on the internet then lola. This worksheet based on the movie extra, episode 1, part 1. Other results for extra episode 5 spanish worksheet answers. It can be used as an assessment or a guided notetaking guide for the students as they travel along on the ship of the imagination and get introduced to great scientists and their discoveries. Quiz for the video series extra en espanol episode 2 by learn english spanish online. Spanish level 2 printable worksheets page 2 abcteach. Extra en espanol episodes 18 interactive homeschooling. The evening is a disaster, but our young friends cement their friendships as a result of it. Click on the links below to find my favorite ideas for reinforcing the concepts covered in mi vida loca through games and interactive activities. First he does some grocery shopping on the internet then. This worksheet contains two parts, before watching, which students should guess the answer from the picture, and while watching which divided into two sections. Quiz for the video series extra en espanol episode 2 january 31, 2020 june 5, 2015 by language tutors. This worksheet contains 2 activities for the students to do while watching answer simple questions and true or false. On this page spanish i students can print out any worksheets or handouts given in class.

You can do the exercises online or download the worksheet as pdf. View test prep extra videotranscripts from spanish 201 at ivy tech community college of indiana. First he does some grocery shopping on the internet then lola, ana and pablo decide to give him a makeover which turns out to be a disaster so he ventures out to clothes shops by himself. We offer our own spanish 4 worksheets labeled as such, as well as a collection of worksheets from other sources. Before viewing the fi lm, read each question below so you know what information and ideas you should be looking for as you watch episode 2. Swr 2004 2006 2007 impressum datenschutz zum seitenanfang. I only ask that you, the teacher, not republish my work under your name for profit. First he does some grocery shopping on the internet then lola, ana and pablo decide to give him a makeover which turns out to be a disaster so he ventures out to shop for clothing by himself.

French 2 spanish 2 honors spanish 2 contact spanish 2. Robinsons spanish 1 and 2 site with homework assignments, syllabi, and announcements. The pie team talk about the prettiest season of the year download 1 extra episode 5 spanish worksheet answers. Quiz for the video series extra en espanol episode 2. Since then, all 4 have completed their first year of spanish and 2 are half way. Choose from 500 different sets of episode 5 spanish extra flashcards on quizlet. In this opening episode of spanish mfl sitcom extra, sam arrives at the apartment of two girls who live in barcelona. View test prep extravideotranscripts from spanish 201 at ivy tech community college of indiana.

The 4th episode of extra, lola needs promotion to earn more money, so approaches her boss the octopus about it. Episode 1 english esl worksheets for distance learning and physical classrooms. Intended for spanish 2 students studying the difference between the imperfect and preterite tenses. This worksheet contains the following question types. Includes grading rubric with instructions for students and a separate sheet of instructions for the teacher. It tells the story of two french girls, sacha and annie, who share apartment in paris.

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